We have had a brighter day here today so I have had the boys bedding blowing on the line. ( sorry Jackie).
The average in UK is £480 ($900)worth of food in a year. This equates to £10 ($20) per week. Also food waste when dumped in landfill creates methane gas which is a major contributing factor in global warming.
This is through buying too much and then not being able to use it before it either perishes or goes out of date. The obvious answer to this would be to buy less in the first place; but how many of us "buy" into the bogof's and deals when we might in reality only use the one. If the item can't be used or frozen before it is going to be out of date then DO NOT BUY IT!!!
If there are regularly leftovers try cooking a bit less or freeze these up and have "Leftover Night" where all the bits and pieces are pulled from the freezer and a buffet style dinner is eaten, with everyone mixing and matching depending on what is available.
We will do this on a Saturday probably once a month, I add in a bowl of salad depending on what veggies there are and it is basically a free dinner.
What a great idea - I am very very guilty of wasting food. We end up with lots of leftovers in the fridge and then they, and unused veggies, get tossed. Not good. I'm going to be cleaning out the refrigerator this week and will also tidy the freezer and I'm going to make room to add in leftovers and we'll start a leftover night tradition here, too.