Today starts our journey towards being greener.
All our rubbish is split into 4 sections:
Glass - which we take to the local 'bottle bank'
Compostable - which we either put into our garden composter or for the more robust items we put into the doorstep compostable bin (240l size)
Recyclable - paper, plastics (PET 1 & HDPE 2), aluminium and steel food and drink cans (240l size)
General household - all other rubbish and non recyclables (180l size).
Our kitchen bin which gets emptied into the general household bin is 45l in size and therefore we could fill this 4 times within the 2 week period that our collection is.
At present we probably depending on packaging on certain foods fill it 3 times but we also nearly fill the recyclable bin and half fill the compostable.We also have a large box of glass monthly.
Our aim is to reduce the kitchen bin to 2 times in the collection period and eventually only once or even once every 2 collection periods.
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